
How to Unlock 4G router Megaphone Turbo WiFi / Megafon Turbo MW 4G +

Megaphone (Megafon) of Russia has launched Huawei E8278, dubbed as  Megaphone Turbo WiFi / Megafon Turbo MW 4G +. It can be also unlocked as Telstra E8278 (E8278s) Australia 4G wingle / dongle.

When you will detect it under DC unlocker, then you will get info :


Found modem: E8278

Model: Huawei E8278

IMEI: 8664***********

Serial NR. : D4MDW148******


Hardware ver. : CH1E8278SM

Web UI version:

SIM Lock Status: Locked (CardLock)

Wrong Codes Entered: 0 (unlock attempts left: 10)

As you can see the firmware version is un-customized and can be unlocked easily with correct unlock code / NCK Code only.

How to Unlock 4G router Megaphone Turbo WiFi / Megafon Turbo MW 4G + :

1. Change the default SIM with another network carrier and plug the device to PC.

2. Now, let it install all the correct drivers and softwares into the PC.

3. It will automatically open the default browser and ask you unlock code as above screenshot.

4. If the Megaphone Turbo WiFi / Megafon Turbo MW 4G + does not ask you unlock code then open Internet Explorer and browse for

5. Now enter the correct unlock code and it will be unlocked forever.

Note : Don’t try to insert wrong codes into your Megaphone Turbo WiFi / Megafon Turbo MW 4G + of Russia, otherwise it will be locked permanently. Unlock code is not free, you can purchase from any server or contact mzr.ali@live.com to get unlock code for your Huawei WiFi / MiFi router in only 3$, or pay 3 USD in paypal id mzr.ali@live.com and mention model and IMEI in transaction. Unlock code / NCK code will be delivered to your email within 8 hrs.
How to Unlock 4G router Megaphone Turbo WiFi / Megafon Turbo MW 4G + How to Unlock 4G router Megaphone Turbo WiFi / Megafon Turbo MW 4G + Reviewed by Mazhar Ali on 9:53 AM Rating: 5

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